Preadmission Screening And Resident Review (PASRR)
In 1987, Preadmission Screening and Resident Review (PASRR) was created as a way to protect individuals with Mental Illness (MI), Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities (I/DD), or related conditions (RC) from inappropriate placement in nursing facilities. These individuals go through an intensive screening process, first to determine whether or not they have mental illness, intellectual/developmental disabilities, or related conditions, then again to decide whether they belong in a Medicaid-certified nursing facility. PASRR determinations must consider all possible community services first and recommend institutional placement only when appropriate.
Using Federal guidelines, all of these considerations are used to make a decision on an individual basis. If an individual is admitted to a nursing facility, a specialized plan will be created to meet their unique MI/IDD/RC needs. Medicaid covers 75% of state expenditures for PASRR activities, therefore requiring the State to cover only 25% of the costs.