Independent Facilitation and Conflict-Free Case Management

The Independent Facilitation (IF) service will now be Conflict-Free Case Management (CFCM) provided by the Division.

What does this mean? 

This means that IF will be part of the CFCM resources. IF is what we are calling CFCM run by BHDDH to supplement the private CFCM agencies that will begin offering services this summer.

Questions You May Have

Question 1: I thought IF was not CFCM. How is it now the same?

Answer 1: IF came about from a Consent Decree court order for DD services, while CFCM is the result of federal rules for all Medicaid long-term services. DD services are part of RI’s Medicaid long-term services. 

There were many similarities between the Consent Decree and Medicaid rules, but there were also some differences. It took a lot of planning and discussion to merge the two programs. We now have a plan to use IF to supplement the CFCM roll out and align the required planning and monitoring activities.

Question 2: How will this work?

Answer 2: The Division is hiring 16 new Social Case Workers (SCW) to take on this IF/CFCM role within BHDDH. The SCW IFs will work with participants who get services through an agency. Participants who self-direct will work with Independent Plan Writers and other professionals who choose to become IFs as contractors in the community. 

Question 3: Can I keep my plan writer?

Answer 3: If your plan is written through a provider agency, the IF will now take the lead to write the plan with you and those who support you. If you self-direct, you may be able to keep your current plan writer. It will depend on whether your plan writer becomes an IF. IFs are being recruited from current independent plan writers working with people who self-direct. Those who choose to become community IFs will continue to work with people who self-direct. However, plan writers who work for a licensed DD provider cannot be IFs.

IF Roles and Responsibilities 

The IF's main goal is to help people become more involved and independent in their community. To do this, the IF will work with individuals across 5 stages: 

  1. Introduction: IF will get to know who the person is. They will talk to the person and the trusted people in their life. They will talk to the person's support team and review their personal record. 
  2. Pre-Planning: IF will continue getting to know the person. IF will work with the person to do the Qualitative Review of Life Domains. IF will create a resource map and discuss future planning with the person.
  3. Planning Process: IF will meet with the person and their support team. IF will help the person identify goals and action steps, and how goals are measured. IF will schedule check-ins with the person.
  4. Writing the Plan: IF will write the person's plan with them. IF will ensure all supporting documents are in the person's plan. IF will make changes as needed to the plan before submission.
  5. Routine Check-ins: IF will check-in with the person and their support team often. IF will review the person's plan progress, note any changes, and share results. 

IF Resources 

To learn more about Independent Facilitation, explore these flyers: 

  1. Independent Facilitator Flyer (PDF)
  2. Independent Facilitator Roles and Responsibilities Flyer (PDF)