Brochures & Guides This webpage stores Division brochures, flyers, guides, and more. The resources share information about the division and DD services. Brochures DDD Overview Brochure Review the DDD Overview Brochure to learn more about the Division and adult services and supports: DDD Overview Brochure (English; PDF) DDD Overview Brochure (Spanish; PDF) Applying for DDD Services Brochure Learn more about applying for DD services by exploring this brochure: DDD Eligibility Brochure (English; PDF) DDD Eligibility Brochure (Spanish; PDF) Youth in Transition Brochure Learn more about Youth in Transition (YIT) by exploring this brochure: DDD YIT Brochure (English; PDF) DDD YIT Brochure (Spanish; PDF) Employer Incentives Brochure DD Employer Incentives Brochure (English; PDF) Integrated Community Services Brochure All Division services are integrated community services. This means they help people to join in their community. Learn more by exploring this brochure: Integrated Community Services Brochure (English; PDF) Guides Individual Budgets People getting services from the Division will create their own individual budget. Review these guidebooks to learn what an individual budget is and how to create one: Individual Budget Guidebook (PDF) Individual Budget Easy Read Guidebook (PDF) Guide to the DDD Assessment Process This guide shares information about how BHDDH will learn about the strengths and needs of participants. Guide to the DD Assessment Process (PDF) Guide to Employment Add-On Budget Requests This guidebook shares information about how add-on budget requests are done. Guide to Employment Add-On Budget Requests (Word) Service Definitions Review this resource to learn more about the Division's adult services and supports. Service Definitions Flyers DDD Transportation Options People getting services from the Division get to decide how many transportation trips they want per year. Learn more by exploring this infographic: Transportation infographic in (English; PDF) Transportation infographic (Spanish; PDF) Hiring People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Everyone Benefits from Hiring People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (English; PDF) Info Briefs Other Ways to Use Day Funds InfoBrief: Use of Day Funds (PDF) InfoBrief: Utilizar Fondos (en espanol; PDF) InfoBrief: Adaptive Communication (PDF) InfoBrief Employment (PDF) InfoBrief: Retirement and Variances (PDF) InfoBrief Goods and Services (PDF) InfoBrief New Customized Employment Project 10-22-20 (PDF)